Boost your donations with Impact Stack

Join leading charities and use our powerful technology platform to supercharge your digital fundraising.

Easy to use, powerful, secure.

With Impact Stack you can create beautiful and highly optimised forms in minutes. The supporter experience is designed to be as smooth and frictionless as possible to maximise your donations, while the back end offers powerful functionality with a quick and clear setup process so you can launch new appeals in minutes, not hours. The system of course comes with great security too, from secure site hosting to EU servers.

Read on to find our more, or you can get in touch for a demo:

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Easy to use

Onetime or regular

Through a simple drop down or select interface, you can collect both onetime and regular donations through the same form, allowing users to donate in a way that suits them. If you want to collect different form fields for different users you can do this using smart form fields or simply set up multiple action forms, it's totally up to you.

Payment processors

Impact Stack offers integrations with a large number of payment processors, including Stripe, Braintree, GoCardless, PayPal, SagePay (now call "Opayo") and PayOne.

Through these integrations Impact Stack enables you to process payments via credit card, Paypal, direct debit, Google Wallet, Apple Pay and a number of local payment methods.

Data management you will love

With daily CSV file exports all the way to real-time APIs we can help you meet your data challenges.

Easy to use interface

We know you’re busy. So we don’t waste your time with complex page builders. With Impact Stack’s drag and drop form builder you can build your donation pages in minutes without needing to know code.

Powerful functionality

Social proof

You can choose to show how much money you have already raised on the page to indicate that you are raising funds with a specific goal in mind.

Showing a real-time feed of who is currently donating can help create a sense of urgency and encourage others to donate as well.

Smart form fields

Thanks to Impact Stack’s powerful conditional form fields functionality, you can display different copy and form fields for users depending on their chosen donation interval, all within the same form.

Need to show a Direct Debit declaration to just regular givers? Or ask for a phone number from only onetime givers? No problem.

Form templates

Using form templates we will help you set up a form that already has all the fields and settings prepared you typically want to see in a donation form. The forms and payment methods will already be in place as a starting point for every new donation page you create.

This way you don't have to start from scratch if you want to launch a new appeal.

Frictionless donor experience

The user experience for donors is smooth and easy. Depending on the payment gateway you choose, the donor will not even notice that there are other systems involved in processing the donation.

Secure online fundraising

Secure hosting

We set up security certificates for all clients, giving you, and your supporters peace of mind that their data is secure.

Payment data

Donations are processed securely through your chosen payment provider. Supporters' payment data isn’t stored in Impact Stack (unless you choose to collect bank details to set up a direct debit manually).

EU Servers

All of the data collected in Impact Stack is stored on our dedicated servers in Germany.

Security updates

The nature of security threats is always changing, so we review and update our security regularly to make sure that you continue to receive the highest level of protection.

Want to see it in action?

We would be happy to show you our platform.

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